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Australia 1999
Directed by
Pip Karmel
104 minutes
Rated M

Reviewed by
Bernard Hemingway
3.5 stars

Me Myself I

If this well-written comedy had been made in Hollywood it would have starred Sandra Bullock and Kevin Costner and been a big hit. As it stars Rachel Griffith and David Roberts (who had hitherto been an Australian stage and TV actor) it was not.

Writer/director Karmel who was nominated for an Oscar for her work as the editor of Shine, demonstrates her skill with the genre of mainstream romantic comedy. Although there is nothing new in Me: Myself: I it is sweetly amusing, if you can identify with the dilemma of a 30-something single woman finding out what it would have been like had she married and had kids, with Rachel Griffiths doing a wonderful job of bringing to life her character and sharing with the audience the secret that she skilfully keeps from everyone around her.




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