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Potential Films
Melbourne-based distributors of foreign language arthouse film typically seen at the Lumiere and Sydney's Chauvel theatre as well as some fine classics.

Producers & Directors Guild of Victoria
Broadly-composed industry group including independant filmmakers, writers and actors

Radio Samourai
Read all about the work of independent film-maker, Nick Levy, and the feature which gives the site its name.

Rapt Animation
Info about a short course for 3D & 2D animators run by master animator, Murray Debus.

Real: Life on Film
REAL: life on film is the only Australian film festival dedicated to showcasing local and international documentaries to a national audience.

A minimalist online magazine with scholarlyy articles on non-mainstream cinema.

Screen Producer's Association of Australia
SPAA is the industry association of the Australian independent film and television industry. It represents the interests of producers on issues that affect the business and creative aspects of screen production.

Screen Tasmania
Screen Tasmania is the Tasmanian State Government agency responsible for fostering, developing and supporting screen-based industries within Tasmania, as well as attracting interstate and international initiatives.

ScreenSound Australia
ScreenSound Australia, the National Screen and Sound Archive, is a Commonwealth Government organisation which collect and preserve Australia's moving images and sound recordings from the first film images to today's Top 40 hits.

ScreenWest is Western Australia's film funding and development agency dedicated to the growth and promotion of film and television activity in this State. We aim to provide leadership, support and services to advance Western Australia as an internationally recognised centre for screen production.






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